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5 Self Management techniques to release muscle aches and pain.

Do you experience back stiffness or muscle aches these days? Muscle aches and pain are some of the most common symptoms experienced by all individuals. The majority (60% to 85%) of the population had (non-specific) back pain of muscular origin at some point in time.

Muscle aches and pain can be provoked by many factors and strongly influenced by our living. The most common factors include faulty postural habits, reduced mobility, prior muscle injury. Additionally, it can also be triggered due to dehydration, stress, poor sleep cycle, and nutritional deficits.

All the above factors possibly contribute to muscle spasm due to inflammation around the tissue resulting in muscle soreness and decreased joint mobility. It's a vicious cycle but it can be easily reversed by simple stretching and muscle release technique.

5 ways to release muscle aches

Maintaining a Posture: Good posture is the key to muscle injury prevention. Rule of thumb for good posture in any position is having equal symmetry on both sides and maintaining neutral alignment. In simple words avoid exacerbation of movements in any particular position, change positions frequently and appropriately adjust your environment (eg: desk height, use of lumbar support in sitting and use of appropriate pillow height to avoid excessive neck flexion)

Release muscle tension: Simple tools like a tennis ball is very effective in releasing muscle tension. Here are some examples of how to release muscle tension.

Note: Tennis ball works by releasing the muscle adhesions and improving tissue mobility. It’s important to modulate the pressure based on muscle response with the appropriate use.

Breathing exercises: Breathing exercises has a good influence on preventing muscle spasm and facilitating proper posture. It is important to work on deep breathing exercises periodically throughout the day with an emphasis on inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth.

Proper hydration: Water plays an important role in maintaining tissue length and function. Make sure you drink adequate water (at least 64 oz/8cups) throughout the day.

Stretching: Stretching is beneficial to help maintain and improve the mobility of soft tissues, increase joint range of motion, flexibility, and decreased muscle stiffness. It is also highly recommended to add a warm-up and cool-down exercises prior to any form of exercise sessions. for prevention or reduction of the risk of soft tissue injuries, reduce post-exercise (delayed onset) muscle soreness, and to enhance physical performance. Inculcate the stretching in your daily practice


Muscle aches and pain are caused by many factors and can be easily managed by simple lifestyle changes. It does not need any aggressive structural solution. Like other feelings, you feel it more when you are sensitive and it can go down if you improve your overall fitness, strength, and awareness.

Get up and start moving!



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